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||Nouveau Visage de l'UDH ||Conseil académique 2024 ||Cérémonie de remise de diplôme ||Ouverture des préinscriptions en ligne pour l'année academique 2024-2025 ||Temps forts festivités UDH 2024 ||Offre d'emploi PAT ||Appel à Candidatures thèse de doctorat ||Liste des candidats autorisés à s'inscire en première année au titre de l'année académique 2024-2025 ||Projet GOOD MAUR-NIG ||Colloque scientifique international à l'Université Djibo Hamani de Tahoua ||Chronogramme des activités du colloque international, du 11 au 12 décembre 2024 ||Concours de recrutement de la 20e promotion de l’Université Senghor ||Information sur les inscriptions en thèse de doctorat UDH

Working mission of a UDH delegation to konni


technological teachers and administrative and technical staff (PAT) from the Djibo Hamani University of Tahoua. This workshop, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, in collaboration with UNFPA, is part of the training of trainers on "Integration of Education in Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Young People (ESRAJ) in the training curricula of students at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Niamey and the Faculties of Education Sciences (FSE) in Tahoua and Zinder”. The main objective of the workshop is to get participants to review the ESRAJ module draft documents developed by the consultants from September 22 to 27, 2022 following the ESRAJ consideration analysis workshop in the teaching programs organized at the Hotel Galaxy in Dosso from September 19 to 21, 2022 and to make their contributions with a view to its improvement. Three phases marked the course of the workshop: the opening ceremony the course of the work the closing ceremony